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Version: 2.0.0 🚧

Server notice masks

Server notices masks (also known as snomasks) allow you to specify which types of server notices you would like to receive.

Usage: /mode <yournick> <+|->s [<+|-><flags>]

If no flags are specified, reasonable defaults will be used instead.

While non-operators can set user mode +s, they will not receive any actual notices if the HIS_SNOTICES_OPER_ONLY feature is enabled. Likewise, some server notices are restricted further based on what privileges an operator has.

Available masks#

aSNO_AUTHIAuth notices.
cSNO_CONNEXITClient connection and exit notices.
dSNO_DEBUGServer debug notices (debugmode only).
eSNO_TCPCOMMONCommon TCP and socket error notices.
GSNO_AUTOAuto G-line and Shun notices.
gSNO_GLINEG-line and Shun notices.
iSNO_IPMISMATCHIP mismatch notices.
jSNO_HACK4HACK(4) notices (i.e., services actions on channels).
KSNO_OPERKILLOperator KILL notices.
kSNO_SERVKILLServer KILL notices.
oSNO_OLDREALOPOld oper-only notices.
RSNO_NETWORKRouting notices (e.g., net join/breaks).
rSNO_TOOMANYToo many connection rejected notices.
sSNO_OLDSNOUnsorted server notices.
uSNO_UNAUTHUnauthorized connection attempt notices.
xSNO_SERVICEKILLServices KILL notices.
ZSNO_HACK2HACK(2) notices (temporary desyncs).
zSNO_HACK3HACK(3) notices (desyncs).


To subscribe to particular masks, you’d specify their flags as follows:

/mode YourNick +s +Kgr

The above example would subscribe you to the SNO_OPERKILL, SNO_GLINE and SNO_TOOMANY server notice masks.

To subscribe to all server notice masks available to you, simply use:

/mode YourNick +s all


To unsubscribe from particular masks, you’d specify them as follows:

/mode YourNick +s -iu

The above example would unsubscribe you from the SNO_IPMISMATCH and SNO_UNAUTH server notice masks.

To unsubscribe from all server notice masks, simply use:

/mode YourNick -s


To view what server notice masks you’re subscribed to, use:

/mode YourNick